tisdag 19 juni 2012

Magnetic Balls

So this new Magnetic Balls Live Wallpaper is a bit different from most of my previous wallpapers. It's not about nature, skies, clouds, stars, birds or even flowers. It's just lots and lots of balls. They follow your touch and are sucked towards your finger. And after a while they drop and fall right back where they started. There are a bunch of settings in the full version:

- Object shape (they don't have to be balls)
- Grid distance
- Distance between balls
- Lift speed (how fast do they "jump")
- Gravity (how fast do they fall)
- Float time (increase to make them stay in the air in the highest position before dropping)
- Ball size
- Lift neighbors (how many neighbor balls are affected when a ball starts to fly)
- Color of balls
- Random color changes when touched (on/off)

Playing around with these controls can make them change behaviour quite dramatically. From a slow jello to popping popcorns.

If color changes are enabled each swipe will generate a new random color and the balls you touch shift color. After that they "bleed" this color to their neigbors and after a while all colors start blending together to a nice smooth gradient. Your wallpaper never will look the same from one minute to another.

And please comments, bug reports, improvements, suggestions - just write them here in this blog.


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